Hot Topic is super frustrating!!!!

My friends and I are literally so ticked off about how HT has changed so much over the years and how the products are so BLEH anymore. As an employee, I absolutely wanna hear some feedback from y'all so I can try to bring this up to my district manager to change things up and let me know that we are not alone!

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rex's profile picture

i like some animez and stuff but honestly hot topic iz like taken over by anime merch now... like idc the hot topicz near me have like three different sectionz of anime merch but only a wall of band merch and it just annoyz me idk esp when there r like a bunch of shirtz in the anime section but barely any in the band section aghh
spiked braceletz !! studded braceletz/beltz !!

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spicy-sparklez's profile picture

I’d be interested in more studded belts being sold (with vegan options too for those of us who are part of the subculture but don’t want to wear actual leather), spiky bracelets/accessories, the old school gothic dresses that were of sufficient quality to wear to prom.

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usagis muffins

usagis muffins 's profile picture

well that's kinda what happens when you're a big company catering to the latest trends

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their name was supposed to be a joke ;-;
and even when scemo was popular, it was still a minority and u were still bullied for being it

by πŸŒˆπŸ¦•πŸ’–~Grace​~πŸ’–πŸ¦•πŸŒˆ; ; Report

really i didn't know that? how ironic huh? but yeh ur right

by usagis muffins; ; Report

IKR! And ty!
You should check out Hot Topic's history! They've became asad, corporate shell of what they once were.

by πŸŒˆπŸ¦•πŸ’–~Grace​~πŸ’–πŸ¦•πŸŒˆ; ; Report

yeh it's pretty sad :/

by usagis muffins; ; Report

It’s interesting how back then people were genuinely bullied for liking screamo, dressing emo etc. People who liked that stuff would refuse to call themselves emo and people who called themselves that or tried to check off every single box would be called a poser. Nowadays it’s considered β€œcool” and β€œtrendy” and I honestly don’t know how to feel - would the people rushing in these days still be scene or emo if it was unpopular and hated on or are some of them just doing it because it’s β€œin”? Just a controversial opinion of mine lol

by spicy-sparklez; ; Report

well i don't really get what u mean in the first part but, being emo back then was very much trendy. nowadays only being fake emo (ekid) is trendy and ok. real emos still get bullied and such

by usagis muffins; ; Report

It was a lot more common that it is currently but it was a lot more hated on by the mainstream and targeting emo kids to make fun of was not uncommon at all, so I guess emos of that time would be more reluctant to self identify as emo. Nowadays while it’s less common, I see a lot of people being hyped up about the β€œcome back of rawring 20s” and β€œcringe culture” has died down, so there’s a lot less hate for scemo in general so it’s more β€œaccepted by the mainstream” in a sense even if it’s not as common. I just thought that was an interesting change. Also I rarely hear about ekids, I thought they peaked around 2018 ish and the hype has since died down?

by spicy-sparklez; ; Report

the only people who wanted to escape the label were people who listened to real emo music. i really can't recall anyone from that time who was into the emo scene wanting to escape it. it was much more mainstream and common. nowadays it's so rare to see anyone who is scemo. unless it's on social media

by usagis muffins; ; Report

fr but if it was mainstream, why were they bullied?

by πŸŒˆπŸ¦•πŸ’–~Grace​~πŸ’–πŸ¦•πŸŒˆ; ; Report

fr but if it was mainstream, why were they bullied?

by πŸŒˆπŸ¦•πŸ’–~Grace​~πŸ’–πŸ¦•πŸŒˆ; ; Report

even tho it was mainstream they were probably still bullied for being different

by usagis muffins; ; Report

people are gonna dog on others who aren't like them haha

by usagis muffins; ; Report

Yep, agreed on people who listened to the music wanting to escape the label and also mainstream didn't mean it was very "accepted." People tend to dunk on things teenage girls stereotypically tend to like, even if liking them was mainstream (look at how much hate britney spears and justin bieber got back in the mid-late 00s, even though they were very mainstream). It didn't help that there was mass panic about emo culture in the news after that mcr fan committed suicide and people started spreading false info about how emo encourages suicide and self harm and the public ate it up. The backlash was crazy to the point there were physical assaults on people who dressed emo in other countries =(

by spicy-sparklez; ; Report

yeh it's pretty sick but that was then and here is now where u will probably be made fun of but not hate crimed i think that's pretty good

by usagis muffins; ; Report

yep! :D but tbh I'm black and super gae and I'm in the US so I'm probs gonna get hate crimed anyways :/

by πŸŒˆπŸ¦•πŸ’–~Grace​~πŸ’–πŸ¦•πŸŒˆ; ; Report

oof yeh that's a double whammy, i wish we didn't live in a world where if u had a different skin color, sexuality, religious belief, race, etc u could automatically assume you'd get hate crimed

by usagis muffins; ; Report


πŸŒˆπŸ¦•πŸ’–~Grace​~πŸ’–πŸ¦•πŸŒˆ's profile picture


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And ask them to bring back their colored studded belts, So So Happy Monsters stuff, Mighty Fine Gir Hoodies, the Gir shirts, (pretty much the entire Gir wall bc we stan Gir), skelanimals merch,hair dye, coontails, etc!

by πŸŒˆπŸ¦•πŸ’–~Grace​~πŸ’–πŸ¦•πŸŒˆ; ; Report