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Category: Life

Kinning Is Cool ::::)

Noticing how weird some people are a8out kinning and IDing l8ly. SPECIFICALLY, the typing quirk and name adoption stuff. I'm not going to add controversy, 8ut I can say that I think kinship is cool!!!!!!!! Sometimes a fictional character explains your personality and characteristics 8etter than you ever could on your own. May8e you feel detached from all of your original personas, and you found you felt much happier IDing with a preexisting character. Personally, there's a special kind of euphoria I feel when I'm associ8ed with my kins. There's something that makes me so happy a8out sharing a sign with Kanaya and even 8eing associ8ed with her when it comes to my more nurturing and nit-pickier 8ehavior. Or whenever I was affection8ly given the nickname Vris 8y a couple of friends after roleplaying as Vriska for a while I just felt weirdly comforted, and the name still makes me feel really happy when someone refers to me 8y it. I even allowed myself to casually type with 8s and stuff since it feels nicer to me and affirms my kinship. Kind8ing is also super valid!!!!!!!! As long as you and your partner are aware it's a kind8, then all is well of course. ::::)

I say that kinning is valid if it makes you happy and gives you your sense of 8elonging!!!!!!!! Always remem8er to never push yourself too much, say harmful things, or do anything self-destructive in order to 8e more like your kin(s). Anyways, feel free to share your experiences with kinning and how kin affirm8ion makes you feel in the comments, I'd love to hear your reasoning!!!!!!!! It's always special to discover yourself in your kins. ::::)

3 Kudos


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