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ranking the main 9 radiohead albums based on how much i like them GO! (key tracks just means what tracks i liked the most off the album.)

9.) Pablo Honey (1993), rated at a low 5/10.
sounds like every other 90's grunge band, it's not very appealing and quite honestly bores me. not a fan. 
key tracksStop WhisperingHow Do You?, and You.

8.) Hail to the Thief (2003), rated at a low 6/10.
isn't HORRIBLE, but it's just not that good. The constant repetition is a huge theme in the album and I'm just not a fan of how it was executed. The clapping in We Suck Young Blood honestly ruined the track for me lol.
key tracksThe GloamingA Punch up at a WeddingThere ThereI willSail to the MoonMyxomatosis, and A Wolf at the Door.

7.) The King of Limbs (2011), rated at a high 6/10 maybe low 7/10
this album sounds so passionless and quite rushed, its a decent album, just not the BEST.
key tracks: Lotus Flower, Codex, Give up the Ghost, Little by Little, Separator

6.) Amnesiac (2001), rated at a solid 7/10.
sounds so barren, obvious leftover tracks from Kid A, passionless project beside a few tracks honestly.
key tracksPackt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box, Pyramid Song, Morning Bell/ Amnesiac, and I Might be Wrong.

5.) The Bends (1995), rated at a high 8/10.
honestly a great album, i love most tracks on it. really reminds me of tool on a few tracks and im a tool simp.
key tracks: High and Dry, Fake Plastic Trees, Just, and Street Spirit.

4.) Kid A (2000), rated at a solid 9/10. 
wonderful album with beautiful composition, there are a couple of tracks I'm not very fond of, hence its placement.
key tracks: Everything in Its Right Place, The National Anthem, How to Disappear Completely, and Morning Bell.

3.) OK Computer (1997), rated at a low 10/10.
so fucking good, i adore this album so much, the electronics mixed with some bizarre tracks utilizing text to speech like Paranoid Android and Fitter Happier is so fitting for this experimental album, its honestly just a masterpiece.
key tracks: Paranoid Android, Exit Music (for a Film), No Surprises, and The Tourist

2.) A Moon Shaped Pool (2016), rated at a solid 10/10.
zero bad songs, all bangers, wonderful composition. johnny greenwood really shines through with the guitar on this album, beautiful lyrics and overall just a wonderful album.
key tracks: Burn the Witch, Desert Island Disk, The Numbers, Present Tense, and Decks Dark.

1.) In Rainbows (2007), rated at a VERY HIGH 10/10.
In Rainbows, one of my all-time favorite albums, is insanely good. Thom's vocals paired with the beautiful instrumentals mix wonderfully, every single track on this album is a great listen, from the repetition in House of Cards to the raw vocals of Videotape, this album works so fucking well.
key tracks: 15 Step, Nude, All I Need, Reckoner, House of Cards, Jigsaw Falling Into Place, and Faust Arp.

1 Kudos


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