Loneliness Kills The Loud And Brave

Loneliness Kills The Loud And Brave

Silence is my friend, its my friend that doesn't have the best intent but it keeps me feeling warm and calm with a sense of discomfort.
Its became a familiar feeling I've gotten attached to, My comfort blanket to get me through the toughest of days.
Silence keeps my mind from wondering, Helps me focus and realise the reality around me, Grounds my feet firmly down keeping me centered and balanced.
But Silence isn't the best for people silence can lean to......

Loneliness is my friend, Its my friend that doesn't have the best intent but i still fully trust, It's the friend I've known the longest, the Feeling I've Felt the most.
Loneliness is always there in the back hovering, Clinging to me never letting go, Its grasp drains every ounce of serotonin from my being, Leaving me immobilized.. frozen in time and lost in bad thoughts.
Loneliness comes when i least expect it, when i'm feeling brave and not alone, when i'm feeling loud and loved, it comes to tare you down it helps doubt settle in

Loneliness Kills The Loud, Brave And Silence Helps

Upside Down or Petrine Cross

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