I was meaning to write this blog for a long time. So here you have: my plants! (as for March'21)
Right now, most of my plants are succulents. My birthday is in April and I told my friends that if they wanted to gift me something, that would be plants. And I have the ochard thing going on, but at home I just have these:
These are most of my succulents. I'm propagating some of them, and I have a couple of them ready to be gifted or interchanged.
-Sedum sieboldii: I stole these from a garden. I put one of water, it spent there like a month without developing roots, so I though "I don't care anymore" so I just sticked it in the soil and it started to thrive. I really don't understand this plant, but it's doing so well I won't complain.
-Echeveria elegans: I used to have a bigger one, but I overwatered and I killed it. Luckyly there was a smaller one growing behind it, and I could save it. The smallest ones are little plants ready to be gifted!
-Echeveria agavoides: I bought it some years ago and it's growing like crazy. Too much, probably. That's all I have to say about it: it's big.
-Hawortia fasciata: I stole it from my grandma's garden. Here it rains a lot, but succulents thrive in her garden. I took a little one and it's thriving. The more water I give it, the more it grows. When it's out in the sun it starts to propagate by itself and it drives me a little crazy.
Portulacaria afra: I bought the mother plant a couple of years ago because I wanted to try the bonsai things people do to them, and finally last month I started wiring it. I'll post pictures below (it's not going beautifully)
My jade plant (crassula ovata). It's inside the house because it wasn't enjoying being outside during the nights. But it also was having problems at my old house because it was too sunny and some leaves got burned. Now it's inside, it was a Totoro, and it's happy. Finally.
It has some heart-shaped leaves because they started growing last summer when I was living in my old house. The tips burned, but then I moved and the rest of the leaf grew normally. It's funny.
This one is sedum spurium: sedum bastard. And the name fits: it's a bastard. It grows like crazy and dies like crazy. And then it grows back again. I don't understand it. I stole it from a garden, and it took me over a year to know its name, because I haven't seen it before and any of the descriptions I found online fitted. Finally, I'm pretty sure it's a spurium, but who knows, maybe tomorrow I learn something new about it and it doesn't fit anymore. Can you see it's growing roots outside the soil and don't look like aerial roots? I don't understand this plant at all.
My portulacarias -the mother, wired-, and the propagations, thriving and almost ready to interchange. And my aloe. I don't know what kind of aloe, I just know that isn't vera.
And my monstera deliciosa. I'm so proud of this plant. My grandma has a really big one, and last winter I cut these leaves. They spent three months in water rooting, and finally I could put them in a pot! It's sooo big and has many fenestrations! I don't how it's going to grow in a pot, because the mother has spend about 20 years in a garden, but it has a little leaf almost ready to grow, so I hope I see it soon.
I also have a ZZ plant inside my room, but when I took these pictures it was very dusty and I didn't want to water it again. So, I promise pictures soon. I will have to repot it in a few weeks anyway, so I'll take some picture then for sure.
And these are, for now, my plants. I think I'll have a few more soon. I love succulents but they are quite slow. So I'm looking for another more demanding plants. Let's see what happens in a few weeks!
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Pete Bit
Lockdown forest :), nice plants, thanks for sharing
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Totally. I'm thankful I could control myself during lockdown and I didn't buy the lots of plants I wanted to lol
by Anxo; ; Report
Right now i'm down to one big peace lily at my home, but at my garden bit... is a whole different thing. Bees seem to love it, so that's fine i guess :D.
by Pete Bit; ; Report
So cool! As long as bees are happy, everything's worth it!
by Anxo; ; Report
Jorie Jukebox
I think besides my art, my plants are the best hobby I've ever had. It's a different kind of relaxation, just going through and watering, misting, pruning, and rearranging...
I want to build my own greenhouse too! But that's in the far future for now, as school is my priority right now.
Love it!
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Yessss they are so relaxing. And it makes me so happy when I'm looking at them and find new leaves or signs of growth!
I see lots of people hacking Ikea cabinets to build greenhouses at home, but I think it's too much work for me, at least for now. Maybe in the future, there are a couple of plants I'd love to own that would need a greenhouse to thrive.
by Anxo; ; Report