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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Is it hard to make a website?

If you're reading this, then once in your life, you might think that "Oh, I want to create a website, but it's too hard to make one" then let me tell you, even though it can be challenging at first (and other times), you'll soon find out how fun it is to create a website.

I. The easy way.

Wix Building Site (Not Sponsored)

Wix Building Site (Not Sponsored)

Let say you're a business or a regular person who likes to post stuff online (me in a nutshell), but you don't want to spend the time learning to code, then there's something called a website builder that allows you to build a website with just drag and drop. And most of the time, you won't even have to do complicated things like "responsive layout" or "SEO" because the hosting service is handling all of that shit for you.

The drawback of a website builder is that you're not getting things like source code editing, and you have to pay (usually a monthly subscription) if you don't want a watermark across your website. But, if you don't care about watermark or source code and want to create a website, then a drag and drop interface is perfect for you. (Note that some services do allow you to insert HTML, CSS and JS code into your website.)

II. The (maybe a bit) hard way.

Justin417, CC BY-SA 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Justin417, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Do you want the deepest customization? Do you want to see every single bit of data on your website? Then, of course, learn HTML! Several services offer storage for you to put HTML, CSS, or JS or even PHP, ASP, JSP code. Although, this option has the drawback of a bit more challenging to create a website. Like you'll have to deal with CSS styling, code optimizing, setting up the server, etc. Also, different services will offer different levels of customization, tools, and ways to use, so you'll have to know how to use the hosting service.

Overall, I'll say that with a bit of effort and learning, you'll be able to customize your website (and maybe the service) as much as you want.

III. The (between easy and hard) way

HTML-online Generator

HTML-online Generator
"I don't want to learn HTML, but I also don't want watermark on my website!" - Some guy

Well then, there's another way, which is to use an HTML generator! You'll have an easy-to-use interface (sometimes drag and drop, sometimes like a word processor) but you'll be able to turn it into an HTML document which then you can load to the storage that your hosting service provider.

IV. That's it

Thank you for reading my blog. This is my first time making one, so any feedback is appreciated.

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Ghostomo8 's profile picture

This is really helpful, for the last one, where would I enter the HTML thats generated by the HTML generator?

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