Everything Old is New Again...

Every now and then I think about Myspace, the culture around it and what it meant to me and the friends I had. I owe a great deal to Myspace, more than I realized. Never did I think I'd be rejoining it as a nostalgia experiment, or as a possible answer to my disillusionment & cynicism towards IG, Twitter, FB, etc. It feels surprisingly refreshing.

There are of course, the age-old questions of "when", and "will". Will or when will SpaceHey decide to sell out? Will privacy always be top priority? Will they do more than the other social media platforms to stamp out toxic forums, phobic hate speech, and violent, fascist , right-wing ideology? These are real problems that have plagued the other platforms for far too long. You come to expect it, wonder if we'll ever be free of it. The latter question is my hope for SpaceHey, should it actually take off and become just as popular as Myspace was in its heyday.

For now, I'm just going to enjoy the ride, and learn how to code again.

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