This was a dumb little thing I had to do for a school assignment, so I figured I'd post it here for the people that care.
I believe that all people, no matter how good they appear to be, are capable of performing unspeakable acts.
I believe that people know this, yet they choose not to believe it, because it’s easier to ignore a problem than to try and solve it.
I don’t believe that people actually care about the evil in this world, because if they did then people like Epstien or Trump would have been dead or imprisoned long ago.
I believe that everyone is capable of changing things for the better, I really do, but with each passing day and the more and more evil and inhumane things that we see on our TV’s and social media, I start to believe less and less.
I believe that with the structure of the world right now, where any thought that doesn’t fall in to the world’s (the united states) ideas of ‘perfect’ gets shot down and destroyed, no person is able to function.
I believe people should burn.
I believe people should rot.
I believe people should not have the right to exist.
I believe people should not have the right to think.
I don’t believe that all people should necessarily be punished for this, don’t get me wrong, but the silent majority outnumber the vocal minority.
I believe that, for instance, the people who had the balls to resist the ideals put into place should get some sort of reward, maybe like one of those chocolate medal things.
I don’t believe that’s going to happen, because it wont.
I don’t believe change is going to happen, I’ve already accepted this fact.
But I believe that maybe some day, after we’re all dead and gone, our rebelious ideas will carry on and inspire future generations to rise up and at least try and burn down the horrible things that we have to suffer through.
I believe that these thoughts are delusional though, and are just steming from my lack of sleep. I don’t know what to think about this whole situation. I don’t know what to think in general.
What do I believe?
What do I not believe?
I believe that every time I write the word ‘believe’ it becomes less and less of a word to me, the very concept of it becoming non-existant and the sounds that come out of ones mouth when they say it are nothing more than gibberish.
I believe that I am growing tired of this essay but I’m going to continue on just to spite myself.
I believe that all the most awful people in the world, terrorists, dictators, fascists, landlords, are capable of doing some good, not a lot though.
I don’t believe that their one good act should overshadow their million and one bad actions. We’re already doing that with people like Joe Biden. Like yes, Joe isn’t a literal fascist like Trump was, but have we seen a stimulus check in the year he’s been in office? Have we seen any dismantlment of the Trump-era laws put in place? No. We’ve seen more money thrown at ICE detention facilities, more money thrown at the construction of the border wall, and even more money thrown into the police and the military.
I believe that all those promises, of more funding going into social services and community centered things, was all a lie.
I believe that in the end of the day, republicans and democrats are the same thing, just with different costumes on.
I believe that, even though they were awful people, we should listen to our foundng fathers and dismantle the two-party system, because it’s causing more problems than it probably should.
I don’t believe that you’ll listen to me, because, c’mon, who would?
I don’t believe that you care.
I don’t believe that you ever will care.
I don’t believe in you.
And that’s fine, because you dont believe in me, or anyone else for that matter. To you, we’re like ants in one of those little ant colony display things your mom got for you when you were in the third grade.
I don’t believe my words matter.
I don’t believe your words matter.
I don’t believe in anything anymore.
I don’t believe
I believe in nothing
Nothing helps me think
You can kill your friends or kill yourself
None of it will matter in the end
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