I'm so done with jobs. If you under qualified they don't get you if you are over qualified they still don't get you even if you have a college degree. If you're disabled you have to prove them wrong that you can do the job. The states are pure bs when it comes to jobs. At this point I am done job after job and no luck my hope is dying already after a year and 2 almost 3 months.

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Most jobs don't want just anyone. They want someone specific.
it still doesn't matter even if you have everything they still don't hire you. It is called capitalism.
by Cpaty; ; Report
They hire whoever they see fit. Warehouses don't need people with political science degrees. That's not capitalism, it's common sense in regards to employment.
by Tuesday; ; Report
It is called capitalisms obviously it has not happened to you just because you see one side it means it doesn't happen do some research it is common sense to research people also get discriminated just about anything not just qualifications and degrees that is also common sense though don't you think it is ignorant to see one thing and not see the other side I mean like you don't understand that is why people like you can't see other ways and other peoples history exactly why there is people who don't share their shit online because of people like you
by Cpaty; ; Report