I currently have my dream job. I dreamed of being a phlebotomist for 10 years before finally doing. I kick myself in the ass everyday for waiting so long. But like all things in life it worked out the way it was supposed too. I am from Denham Springs, Louisiana but I couldn’t get a response from any hospital after months of searching and applying… due to Covid I guess everything was delayed. Idk. Well a cousin by marriage suggested I apply at the hospital in Jackson, MS. My father in law and his family are from Mississippi and have a farm house on 104 acres. I was told if I got the job I could stay at said farm house for $200 a month. Yes I drive an hour too and from work everyday but hey at least I don’t live in the city with all the traffic. Well, I got the job… hearing those words that day was like angels singing from heaven. Lol all the work I put into school finally paid off. Now this job didn’t pay near as much as they pay in Louisiana but then again the cost of living in Mississippi is much cheaper than Louisiana. So my dream job that I moved away from home was going to pay me a whopping 12.73 per hour. Yep… the pay sucked but it was the experience I was after. However, once I got to the farm and got settled into a routine here in Mississippi I doubt I will ever move back to Louisiana…as of currently I have been at my job for one year now. Working hella hours because they didn’t care about overtime for awhile. Well all that work paid off. They finally realized how little we were getting paid and upped the pay… so I went from 12.73 to almost $16 an hour for my base pay that doesn’t include the differentials… All that hard work, long hours, and being away from my family finally paid off and I couldn’t be more proud.
Dream job.
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