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Category: Life

Sui Juris; Of One's Own Right

Gratitude and credit to Robert David Johnson


The First Law is Creator's Law.  Law is the individual Right to Lawful defense of Freedom, Property, and Life.
Crime is the causation of harm to another.  There are only three ways anyone can breech the peace or 'break the Law';
1) Damage or injure person or property
2) Violate another's Lawful Rights
3) The use of Fraud in Contracts

After the Declaration of Independence 1776, the American Revolution, and the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain 1783, the American People became complete Sovereign freeholders in the Land, with the same Rights as The King our Ancestors had defeated.  America became a country composed of 100% individual Kings and Queens.

All Rights in this country  are bestowed upon Mankind by their Creator, or the very Nature of their humanity.

Sovereignty simply means that there is no higher authority to seek permission from to engage in an activity.

Common Law is the highest Law in the country.  State constitutions are also apart of Common Law.  The fact is Law itself is very simple to understand,  while statute is confusing and written in a language that is not common English.
There are only two ways one can be subject to statutes; 1) Through their handwritten authorized consent 2) Giving a judge consent by claiming to "understand" the charges
Statute is Maritime Admiralty Jurisdiction and can only be entered into by voluntary consent, or through the harm of another.

Corpus Delicti must exist for any case to have standing in an American Court;
1) Alleged damage or injury
2) Alleged violation of a legal Right
3) Redress ability of the Court
Corpus Delicti must be proven not merely asserted and any case where corpus delicti cannot be proven there is no standing and without standing the court does not have jurisdiction to hear any case

The Constitution is the procedural instrument of Common Law, it protects Rights it does not grant them.

The Declaration of Independence established a Common Law Jurisdiction, where there is one set of Laws that everyone must obey, meaning that Government MUST obey it's own Laws, and established that everyone is equal under and before the Law.

The Constitution applies only to government and cannot be used against The People.  Most of this documents is an outline for what governments role is, which is why governments can't stand the existence of this document.
While only very few rights are enumerated,  ALL are protected under the 9th Amendment,  meaning that anyone can claim any Right which does not violate the Rights of another, or damage or injure another person or their property.


Freedom is a notion of Divine Inspiration that has thrived through out all time, freedom is the Divine Right of Kings, freedom Is the highest status an entity could seek.
The country we have today is based soley upon the notion that each one of us has a divine connection to our Creator and therefore share the Rights and Privileges of our former King, including the Right to administer our own affairs and Own Property in Allodium.
These basic fundamentals of Freedom, Property Rights,  and Administration of Our Own Affairs is the entire backbone of a Free America handling all matters Sui Juris
The Declaration of independence establishes not just Common Law Jurisdiction where everyone is equal and has Rights, but also establishes a system of government where the Individual is second only to the Creator.

"We hold these Truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with Unalienable Rights."

You must be a belligerent claimant in personam to assert your Rights, or you have none.
Sui Juris autonomous in personam and as a belligerent claimant to assert or defend your Rights.

This country is a Constitutional Republic in form of government, not a Democracy.  Constitutional Republic is the form of government that ensures it is never forgotten that the Supreme Law is derived from the People and the Right of the Individual, who's Rights are bestowed upon them by their Creator, and not from men and therefore cannot be removed by men.

SUBMIT to agree to bend to another's will, must be voluntary to be Lawful
APPLY to beg, plea, petition
REGISTER to sign over for safe keeping, to leave to another's discretion
STATUTE a legislative rule of a society given the force of Law
SOCIETY a number of people joined by mutual consent working together toward a common goal

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