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Category: Life

peepeepoopoo what does it mean

  1. peepeepoopoo is very iconic with generation z. it is the prime response to everything and everyone. if someone says peepeepoopoo they can be mad, happy, sad, etc. but no matter what, PEEPEEPOOPOO
  2. when someone u love says hello to u in chinese but then u find out there english so u do a backflip and then u enter the 5th dimension which u realise is called jonnithan the first who was bor in the mikki mouse cumhouse which is located in north hongkong which can be eaten in july the first 2023 on a sunday night which is also the day a comet the size of the empire states building and its going to hit hamburg in germany and cause a global earthqake. be ready because shits about to happen. goodluck citizens on earth

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