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Hot chocolate and internet drama from a decade ago

Greetings once again,

Today has been a relaxed one. I keep thinking about pigeons. Not a clue why. My Nan got a box of assorted hot chocolate powders for christmas and they're incredible...there's a crap ton of different flavours like salted caramel, ginderbread, mashmallow and shit. I also thought I'd try something and ended up dicovering a clever way to make it on a budget. Fill a microwaveable cup halfway with milk, then break up a bar of chocolate and put it in the microwave for a couple minutes. When you bring it out, stir the fuck out of it until the last chunks dissolve, and kaboom! Fancy. Lol
I've also been strangely interested by old bandom drama lately. Don't ask. Some of it was fucking wild, okay? It seemed like people just couldn't keep their shit to themselves back then. Gerard Way's ex went and posted the inside scoop on their entire (horribly toxic) relationship, hey Chris decided to expose Pete Wentz to the internet (supposedly in more ways than one...), Taking Back Sunday and Brand New were having fun playing epic rap song lyric battles of history and everyone was losing their minds over whether Mikey Way had cheated or not. It was a SHITSTORM. And I'm a little ashamed to admit that some of it was pretty darn entertaining. Definately didn't stay up until 4am on the wayback machine or anything...
Anyways, it's midnight and I gotta be up early tomorrow. Peace -eb

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