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Fallout 4 Entry: Chicken In A Biskit?

Hey, everyone! Had this really funny experience in real life and ingame, although lemme explain to you how my world's built..

I play fallout on a very, survival-esque setting where the entirety of the Commonwealth has frozen over down to temperatures as low as -10F (-23.3333C) and things can get hairy if you don't find proper warmth soon. There's other things that are grand challenges in my playthrough, although I'll be talking about those some other time..

In my adventures of the heavily-modded Fallout 4, I regularly come across a selection of brands we see irl such as Raisin Bran, Frosted Flakes, etc which can make for some good eats for the wandering scavver, I came across a snack brand called Chicken In A Biskit, which always made me wonder while venturing:

"They didn't really put the chicken in the cracker... Right?"

Well, a friend and I had that conversation a day or so ago and.. He thought it'd be funny to bring me some while he'd been out on errands!  

It's got some chicken stock, think about it as if you were having wheat thins and you had some weird flavor.. On the ingredients of CIAB, it says there's "Dehydrated Cooked Chicken", which is good enough for me! Its always such a joy to see something from forever ago and see that it's still around, so nuts.

That being said, I think I have to ease up with these already unless I'm moving around as much as my character does just scavenging for goods for survival.. These boxes just became top-priority in my travels!

Hope you've enjoyed this little blog entry! Personally, I love sharing what goes on during my ventures in Fallout 4 from how much there is just not being involved in the main story at all, just chillin' and exploring. Tell me what you think!

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