I can't sleep. Maybe putting feelings in to words will help.
I'm laying here sleepless with COVID racked with guilt.
I feel guilty because my classroom had to close for 10 days because of my positive result this effecting 13 different families and their ability to work.
I feel angry because for the past literal year I have been not a single place but work or home, and then the doctors a single time clearly for a reason.
I was absolutely exposed by an asymptomatic body at work. No one's fault, if you don't know there's no way to inform anyone.
Back to the sleeplessness:
My 10 day quarantine ends Thursday and . Expected back at work on Friday.
I spent the entirety of my illness racked with guilt on top of getting actually sick. This wasn't a mild case, while I do feel luckier than some, and I'm still riddled with symptoms.
I can't sleep because I want to call out on Friday. I don't feel well enough to return and those couple extra days may help.
I am a great employee who's called out one single time, over 80 hours of unused PTO, always quick to help out whenever help is needed..... And I'm literally sick on top of being real sick that I need an extra day for my health.
Why do we feel this guilt? When will it ever stop.
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I know I'm ten months late to this lol, but I'm sure everything worked out.
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I can sympathize with how you feel. I can't make it stop or feel better, but I can sympathize with how that feels. Its like a torment that gives you no rest.
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Try to balancing work and errands so you won’t feel to stress out love!
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