Ive started taking frequent naps again, long ones too. I was doing well for a while, I had begun to go to sleep early, stay asleep the entire night, wake up early, and stay awake until it was time to sleep again for the night. Since then my location has changed, Im sleeping on a makeshift bed (which is still somewhat comfortable) in a room that isn't a bedroom. It's only temporary as Im out visiting family for the holidays, but I don't know whether to attribute these naps to this change or not. I feel like it would be dishonest to chalk it all up to that, because I know there are other factors at play. That's what worries me, I'm sleeping during the day for hours at a time, waking up for 30 minutes, and repeating pretty much 24/7, never getting more than 5 hours of sleep at a time. I hate that this is my reasoning for it, but there's just nothing else to do. Im tired of searching for things to occupy my mind when they're all in vain anyway. It seems like my only options are stay awake and overthink, or go to sleep and not feel. Anything else is too much of a hassle, and I get tired half way through any activity I force myself to do. Ironic, right? That I can sleep so often and still find myself winded after standing at the sink for too long. I ache, my bed calls for me, and I answer.
My bed calls out for me
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