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Christmas and New Years Plans

I'm still here, don't worry. Honestly, I'm sure no one even noticed. Anyways, Christmas was pretty great! We spent it with my husband's baby sister at her new house. It's always a lot of fun when we get altogether with his family. I love it a lot. We got some wonderful gift cards and some money which will really help us out a whole lot! As far as New Years Eve goes, as usual, we are just staying home. Also, I am making zero resolutions. Won't keep them anyways.

Today we got our very first accumulative snowfall of the season. No shit. It took this long into the season for it to snow. I'm not joking. and it only snowed MAYBE 2" total here. Big whoop.
In other very exciting news, I was able to order my very first silicone doll for my Christmas present with the help of my daughter Sam. He won't be a full-sized newborn; he will be 12", which is in fact fine because I was looking at mini silicones for a while, so needless to say, I'm SUPER fucking excited!!! Even that is an understatement!! He's due to arrive Feb. 3-4 sometime, but on the site all the reviews say their dolls arrived sooner than promised. I'm leaning towards Lucas for a name but am open to other names. 

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