An1mat0r M0ment

1 keep c0m1ng up w1th 1deas f0r Y0uTube v1de0s/an1mat10ns, and the sec0nd 1 execute them 1 suddenly dec1de: "0h hah- th1s 1s stup1d" and 1 can't get any m0t1vat10n t0 draw 0r an1mate anym0re because 1've g0tten 1nt0 the hab1t 0f start1ng pr0jects, and then never f1n1sh1ng them. 1f any 0f y0u kn0w h0w 1 c0uld m0t1vate myself s0mehow, 1'd l0ve t0 kn0w because my m0t1vat10n 1s c0mpletely 1n the gutter rn lol.

1 Kudos


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