Well, unless you are really, truly an asshole. You know, like a misogynist, a nazi, a trans-exclusionary radical feminist (TERF, also known as a FART: Feminism-appropriating radical transphobe), a sex worker-exclusionary radical feminist (SWERF), or some flavor of those bigots, including, but not limited to, homophobes, racists, classists, and tr*mp supporters.
If you're not one of those, you can just be yourself. Even if you're off-color, your true self will shine through. Even if you're lewd, your beautiful self will shine through. Even if you cuss like a sailor, drink like a fish, and snort coke like Robert Downey Jr, your true, beautiful self will shine through. Be you, and you will end up being surrounded by, and appreciated by, people like you.
But fail to be you, and you will not find them.
Fail to be you, hide behind a facade, put on airs or wear a mask, and you'll have troubles. Those troubles will vary from person to person, but they'll be there.
Just be you. And if you're an asshole, learn to change and just accept people, and most of all, LOVE people.
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