first of all, hello! i've just discovered this website thanks to my friend and i'd like to say that it's great! in a sea of twitters and facebooks with their oversaturated and endless content stream, it's very comforting to go back to a simpler and more straightforward format such as this - it does get stressful scrolling through various "feeds". it's also a testament to just how big the internet has gotten - the need to satisfy huge quantities of people has enabled (and in many ways forced) developers to develop fancier and more complex websites with fancy-pants JS and so on. i think spacehey definitely has a future and with the amount of people who never experienced the HTML fueled days of social media (like me!) there will be many who come to explore it.
a breath of fresh air
7 Kudos
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The Pyrrhic Llama
Welcome to the community! You are right, too. There is something comforting about having an end to the pages here.
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wow yeah i forgot how bland facebook and twitter profiles look... everyone gets to show their personality here
!ps the music you made thats on your page is very calming~
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