Blessed Are The Meek (an accidentally cynical AF artpiece)

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth." I'm not a religious person, but I do think the bible has some really raw quotes, just like any philosophical text.

I actually am a really cynical person and think humanity is super doomed, BUT this piece wasn't supposed to be that. I just had a migraine and the skull took me way longer to draw than I thought it would. Which meant I wasn't able to add all the flowers and trees in the background that this was supposed to have.

I do kind of like the MAD MAX quality of it, though. I've never used this much brown and it's... yeah, I like it ^_^

I hope you like it too. Also, please share with me good news you've heard lately so that I can be less cynical? :p I'm trying to be softer.

Two fawns stand on and near a giant cougar skull in the desert

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