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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

TV Review Series: Episode 1 - Boston Legal

Boston Legal:

(2004-2008, 5 seasons, 101 episodes)
If I had watched this show when it was airing, I would have had zero interest tbh. That being said, I understand almost everything the show touches upon as an adult.

The show definitely presents itself as a serious comedy, comedic when it needs to be, but serious at the end of the day. The shortest synopsis I can give is; It's a show about lawyers at the highest teir, but they deal with everything from the little guy to the big guy. The show touches upon most themes or issues of now.

The show seemed to avoid politics in the beginning, but I assume as the election neared, they decided to put more into it to influence people probably. Originally there were small casesĀ  where they're just trying to help people. But then bigger issues came, where they started going against big tobacco, drug companies, the military and even the government. And typically you might think it's just a TV show, but this was all based on reality and facts and everything was cited according to real life. That's the serious side.

The comedic side is there and you will get your laughs in for sure. However, I must warn you that the casting is tumultuous through the seasons. So if you can't find yourself liking James Spader or William Shatner, then you're pretty much out of luck not that the other cast members, in their time don't bring something to the table.

The show took me about a month to a month-and-a-half of watching on and off to complete. And while the entertainment side was there, it was interesting to just hear actual consensus on certain issues even though I'm not very political myself. Specific issues they tackle are; the death penalty, pro-life against pro-choice, contradictory legal laws present in times of War, and so much more. If the cast could have been more solid the whole show I think it probably would have succeeded more and had more meaning.


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