
Hello There.

I’ve really been putting a lot of thought into my life and quality of life lately. It is almost 2022… I mean seriously where have the years gone?! IΒ am blessed with this life and would love to give back to those I love in some way.Β 

I have an amazingly close knit family who I live for. My boyfriend is amazing and loves me to the moon and back. He supports me with everything I ever do. I have an amazing car and live in an amazing place. I am humbled by every bit of this because I absolutely have struggled in my life and have faced trials that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemies. Emotional and physical abuse included.Β 

My boyfriends family owns a few businesses which has allowed him to be able to care for me and our daughter, who is expected in March. I have been lucky enough to be able to take my pregnancy off work and will be able to continue to not work for as long as I feel the need to be with our new daughter. I am the type of female that can’t sit still and this has really made me realize that. I have considered what I want to do after this time off and I have realized that I would love to take a position in the airline business. I would love to gift my family with travel. To be able to see the world at a free/discounted rate. It is the least I could do to give back to them and that is my goal for 2022. I want to have that ball rolling.Β 

Sit back and look around at each of the blessings in ur life. Make these crazy times stand still and thank the universe for the health and beauty around u. Give back when and how u can. Be beautiful inside and radiate happiness. Love is all around u. πŸ₯°

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