Going to the Store with a Toddler

Going to the store with a toddler can be sometimes either easy, or next to impossible. A simple trip to Wal-Mart should be easy you think 🤔. Well when you have three year old, that is a hard "HELL NO!!". You think that you are going to be able to but your toddler in the cart, and go through the store with no problems. HA! It never fails with my toddler. If I am not careful going down the aisles I will have a cart full of items I never needed. There are aisles I have to avoid (toy department), otherwise I have to buy something from that department. Oh and my toddler doesn't keep his hands inside the cart either while going down the aisles so I am constantly telling him don't do that. So it is definitely something else going to Wal-Mart or even Target with my toddler because he definitely doesn't act like a little peach 🍑.

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Azul's profile picture

I don't have a toddler i have a teen but I feel you . Mine will ask for anything and everything she does not need. Gives me this sad puppy face that most of the time i cave to.She has to stop and look at everything. I always end up buying more when i take my kid with me.

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