my head is pounding. i know i should try to get some sleep tonight but there's no fucking way that's happening. i have an informal hearing tomorrow with my school board over dumb shit so they can decide if they're gonna unsuspend me at 5 days or keep me suspended for the whole 10. i feel like i could actually do pretty decent and state my case and the situation from my point of view accurately and efficiently, but the catch is my father has to come with me. fuck that fucking shit, man. i don't want him hearing any of this because he's gonna be so pissed and i don't want him to accidentally say the wrong thing due to lack of information and have that fuck me over or have him get heated and lose his temper. that would really fucking suck. the hearing's tomorrow at 8am i don't know why the fuck it's so early do these people not have a life outside of tormenting high school kids? fuck this i'm so screwed man. i mean, the worst that could happen ideally is that they just keep me suspended for the whole 10 days, but at the same time, what is they find me guilty for something else and my sentence is lengthened? i swear to god i'll actually lose my goddamn mind if they do that god i'm so fucking tired of being involved in bullshit like this all the time. </3

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