Matthew Cobalt's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

Profile Editing: Animated Background

I did it, but was it worth it?

I would definitely say "no" on this one.

While the finalized animation looks great and can be used in the already in place code, the fact of the matter is that it will definitely slow down everyone's browsing experience on the site. Only recommened for use with low framerate / fast loading .gif files.

Update: - Dec 23 2021 -

You all that is needed to have a much smoother experience is to make sure that the image is spread across the entire screen, instead of being placed like patches.

Here's the Code:

body {
  1. background-image: url();
  2. background-size: cover;
  3. background-position: center;
  4. background-attachment: fixed;

Here are my .gifs:

270 x 270

540 x 540

1080 x 1080

0 Kudos


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