Mylow's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

**SPACEHEY PROFILE TUTORIAL** Photo embedding for N00bs!!!!! WITH PICTURES

If you are reading this, you may be wondering...

"How do these people put all of there pictures on their page like that!?!?!?"

"I wanna be cool like them!"

Well this is the tutorial for you, ya n00b...
(With pictures!)

Whether you are: 
A young Gen-Z from TikTok riding the retro wave...
An old Myspace user who lost their way...
An old Myspace user who doesn't have their bff/older-sibling around to do it for you...
This tutorial will get you going!

***Note: This is VERY BASIC. This wont show you how to design a profile or run script, but it will show you how to get the proper raw code and embed commands {<img>} and dimension changes  {Height= Width=} in the EASIEST way I know!


*****Step Zero: (Prepare your space)
I urge you to use a desktop/laptop to do this because it's MUCH easier. 
You will end up with at least 4-5 tabs open, and you want to be able to switch to them easily.
You can do it on your phone, (I have done it) but it can be frustrating. Especially if you lose, refresh, or accidently close a page.

You want to be able to test your pictures to see how they look on your page.
Open your Edit Profile tab next to you Profile tab so when you "save all" in the edit page, all you need to do it refresh you profile page to see instant results. 

The other tabs you will be using are these:

(To get a "share" link of your picture)

(To convert your "share" link into an embedded link)

****Step One: Find a box to embed 

Click "Edit Profile" Find a box you want to insert your photo.
I prefer "General" because its the first box after your "add friend" box
If you have a default or more standard layout.

The description box is also usually on the left side and wont obstruct your "about me" or "profile comments" that are on the right side (when using a desktop browser) If you are on a mobile device, it will usually be on top of your about me. So it really depends on what you want your friends to see first. However, you can put your images in any box you prefer. 
(Have fun with it!)

*****Step Two: Crash course with basic commands
(Don't worry you don't have to code, but you should become familiar with these)

As you can see.... under some descriptions I wrote, there is a script to insert images:
{ <img }
After that is the source:
{ src= } 
The embedded url in parenthesis:
{ "" }
Then a dimension command:
width { w600 }
height { h700 } 
Finally, the command is closed with:
{ > }

If you already have an EMBEDDABLE url for your picture (more on that later) you can just type: 
{ <img src="https://yourembeddedurl.poop" height=# width=# >}

(There are other more sophisticated ways to do this but I wont show you here)
Try and see if it works if you want, by all means. 

BUT IF YOU ARE A N00B or you don't care, don't want to learn/type any code, or if the picture doesn't work... continue on...

*****Step Three: Making your selected photos embeddable 

We are using for this.
If you have the google photos app on your phone this will be pretty straight forward.
If you do not have a account (or you are an iPhone user :') ) you can just log in with your Gmail or other google accounts to access it. 
**Note this is Google Photos NOT Google Drive! If you have pictures on your google drive you will have to upload them to Google Photos for this to work!

(skip the next 2 pics if you already have your picture on Google Photos)

Upload from Google Drive or your computer (Or phone directly if you are using it!)

Now that it's on your Google Photos....

Now that you have the "Share link" you need to carry it over to 

You might have to scroll down...

BINGO! now you have an embedded link! 

The top link ^ is just a raw URL for embedding yourself (See Step 3) or for inserting your picture into your Blog or Forum posts!!!

NOW I know... You are a N00b...
You may also be lazy (like me) and just want to post your pictures easily and get those sweet, sweet, friend requests and profile comments from random strangers.

In this spirit, and to make it EVEN easier we are going to use the pre-coded link on the bottom. BUT there is a catch, the website codes some kind of junk tag as part of it. We DO NOT need that. So, I'm going to show you what to take off AND how to manipulate the size dimensions on the code to ensure you can get that glorious minimal effort...

*****Step 4: Manipulating the embedded code

Delete, delete, delete, everything before { <img } and after { /> }

Muwah! Aint that just the prettiest little thing? 

-Now we can mess with the dimensions anyway we like. The width will stop to fit inside the description box anyway... So you really only have to worry about the height. 

Most of my pictures are portraits so I usually just set the height longer than the width and test it until I'm happy... If you have a landscape photo you would make sure that the widths was longer.

*******Final Step!: Testing!

And there you go!! 

It is cumbersome and tedious I KNOW. But if you don't want to mess with other profile generator sites, and you just want to get your pretty face (or other parts) on your profile without much learnin', then this is the most straight forward way to go!

Now run, RUN with the knowledge I have bestowed upon you my little N00b and become the bff/older-cousin/nerd-friend to share this information for all to witness! 

***P.S this was a lot of work... like 3hours to make. So a Kudos, Comment, Share would be appreciated! Also add me for more Cosplay pictures and hangs!****

94 Kudos


Displaying 15 of 15 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Föxxyy!'s profile picture

Thank you so much I’ve been struggling to post images on Spacehey and this is very helpful!

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SYRA's profile picture

How do I change the position of the image?? I want my dancing cat gif in the center of my about me section :(

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Did you figure out? I'm trying to do that top but there's no info on it anywhere pls help if you have !!

by EVREN; ; Report

Not specifically but i know how to center all text on the page now (its on my page as an example)

by SYRA; ; Report


xXSunny_RayXx's profile picture

TYSM I've been struggling with this forever... for people trying to add gifs try this one instead of google same format diff link :)

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marzwuzhere's profile picture

thank u soooo much 4 helping TT i am 2 dum for most tutorialz X_x but this one actually makes me understand LOLz

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KayaTheGothLesbian's profile picture

Is there a way to do this without google photos? I dont have that option on my computer sadly.

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KayaTheGothLesbian's profile picture

Is there a way to do this without google photos? I dont have that option on my computer sadly.

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💤ghostbunny💤's profile picture

ohmygod you are a lifesaver, thank you for making this !!!

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sophie ☆ starlaza

sophie ☆ starlaza's profile picture

thank uu!!! :D

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Bethanyls306's profile picture

Great info thanks much appreciated! I might have questions once I try again. I was all about this like a month ago gave up on adding pics and videos. I knew there must be a way from google. I didn't want to have to do another app just to host for me it's too much.

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♡rubyysoho♡'s profile picture

thank you so much for this! this is a huge help!!

question, how did you get your text to go ontop of your photo in your about me section??

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Thanks for the reply!
to answer your question, it actually came from manipulating the original layout that I got from somewhere else.

You usually put the layout code in your About Me section, and there was a background photo put into it that was different than what I wanted. So I found and replaced the source (src=) URL with an embedded URL of one of my pictures.

You have to be careful though because once it's saved you can't get the old URL of the original picture you got from the layout back. So make sure you copy all of the original layout code onto another document in case you mess up. Trial and error!

by Mylow; ; Report


k.e_doublehockeysticks's profile picture

Appreciate this!!

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You are very welcome! Share to friends in need!

by Mylow; ; Report


[Annii]'s profile picture

You're the best. I'm a millennial trying to relieve 2006 again, but older and cooler. Thanks so much

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I feel your pain! That's why I made this!

by Mylow; ; Report


Horrorbaby's profile picture

You’re such a badass 🤘🏼🤘🏼

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by Mylow; ; Report

Madison Jade's Luxurious Blogs

Madison Jade's Luxurious ...'s profile picture

OMG, THANK YOU! This helped so much to customize my page the way I wanted it.

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Good to hear!!!

by Mylow; ; Report


SLAYRIZZ's profile picture

UGH YESSS saw this from sarahs bulletin! great refresher!! im a millennial who use to be so HTML savvy on here! THANKS FOR THIS

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You're very welcome! Use it well!

by Mylow; ; Report