Practicing bass for real! Starting writing lyrics! BRING ON THE ANGST!!

Hello Everyone!

This is my latest attempt at a blog so here we go! It's been a good while and this is more for myself and my music again. Without going into too much detail, there might be some music with a friend, and to be honest we've talked about it before and nothing has come of it before, but we'll see! SO HERE WE GO!!

So the first thing is, I'm picking up my bass again and I'm taking it seriously. I've bought a few lessons and spending about an hour or so each day practicing. And as a checkpoint for my future reference, my routine is doing chromatic, major and minor scales up and down the neck at increasing tempo. I'm starting around 75bpm and getting to 155bpm 8th notes in terms for speed. It is worth noting that I don't currently go beyond the octave just yet, but I will do that soon. Sorry if those words mean nothing to you, they're just base level music nerd stuff.

The second bit of news, I am trying to actually write lyrics. I haven't really tried to write lyrics in about10 years(?). Let's give it a go! This ties into the potential thing, but to get myself in the right headspace, I've been rocking some music that I used to listen to when I was writing lyrics before and drawing on things that have happened in the last few years. I think the weirdest thing about it, is that while I haven't written lyrics in so long, getting stuff down seems to be easy once I put pen to paper (or technically thumb to touchscreen). While the track I am working on right now, is very first draft and needs a ton of polish, but I reckon I can do it.

Anyway, that's that for this blog post. Let me know what you think and comment and keep an eye out for the next post.

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