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moral issues

I should preface this by saying that these are opinions and brain thoughts I am putting in a computer because I feel bad putting them in group chats.

I've noticed a lot of things when I'm in fandoms, and one thing that always bugs me is people defending a certain character's actions. Specifically, when they say a character has done no wrong. Now, I usually leave those people be. They can like a character all they want, but the moment they start excusing terrible shit they've done is where the line ends for me.

It mostly starts with morals, which are an extremely complicated subject. Everyone believes the thing they are doing and the motivations they have for it are correct, and that they're the right thing to do, when in reality people could argue that any action actually isn't the right thing to do. Every character has done something that could be considered "wrong". It doesn't matter how you view it, to somebody, that action could affect them in a negative way. There's literally no scenario where someone could do something that benefits every single person involved. And, every single person involved is way more than the likely few people directly involved. A simple discussion between two leaders affects an army, and the effects of that army affect thousands of people. Sure, there may be good intentions, but is it really beneficial to all parties involved? It could ruin someone's life for all we know.

There's this one issue, and that is there is no universal moral compass. A serial killer murdering a bunch of people is a really fucked up thing to most of society, but there's always going to be a few people out there that are just like "yeah mate good on you keep brutally murdering each of those people!" There is absolutely nothing in the universe that the entirety of humanity can one hundred percent agree on, whether it's morals or just plain fact. Hell, there's people that still argue that the Earth is flat, you think we're all going to agree on the arbitrary labels of what is inherently "right" and "wrong"?

I'm not sure what direction to put this in. There's nothing to wrap it up, really. Morals are an extremely complicated topic, especially when everyone has extremely different moral compasses lol

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