Nicki's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

Profile edits: Quick minimal template

I finally convinced a friend to sign up here and the first thing they asked me was to help them with a 'minimal as fuck profile' ... so here's what I got.  I used a small seamless tile background image, kinda like a concrete pattern, and set that on pretty much EVERYTHING.  Needless to say, they loved it.  :)

*{border:none !important;}
body,main,div.inner,,td,footer,nav ul.links{background:url("") #212121 repeat fixed !important;}
body,a,h1,h2,h3,h4,b,i,p{color:#efefef !important;}
.heading{background:#000000 !important;}

Seriously, that's their entire profile right there.

First, we're telling the browser that we want no borders on anything at all, hence the asterisk. Then for all the elements that need to appear the same, we set the background image to repeat.  The "!important" is included so that it can't be overridden by any server-side code (unless of course the same thing is used later on in the code but that's not a concern here).  All of the text elements are set to a color of our choosing, and all elements with the heading class background set to black.


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Nicki's profile picture

Hey! I'm so happy you've found them helpful. I have seen several profiles using animated background images, some of them are so funny! :D I helped a friend find theirs by simply Google search. Are you looking for something specific?

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ash lynx

ash lynx's profile picture

your blogs have helped me so much with getting started again! i really appreciate you doing this! do you know anything about animated backgrounds?

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