Jamie Rowley's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

About Me


-Pro trump
-Anti vax
-Anti mask 
-Pro life
-Star Wars
-Anti circumcision
-Pro nra
-Nice guy
-Women should be hairless
-I will test/quiz you if you claim to be a nerd or fan of anything 
-I like vanilla so no bdsm stuff. I like to laugh and play during and tell jokes during and after. It’s not serious to me.
-No ghetto women
-No fakes
-No liberals
-No single moms
-No divorcees
-Will talk politics for hours
-Not into texting or calls. In person
-All only fans girls are street walkers

My standards are high. I’m set in my ways. I have my own place that my family paid for me. My own car that’s my moms. My family pays for my college. It would be your loss not to date me.

2 Kudos


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