Lauranie's profile picture

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Category: Romance and Relationships

Sometimes it sneaks up on you

Sometimes, when you least expect it, when you aren't even looking for it someone enters your life and your whole world is changed. 

Someone who is different from anyone you've ever known, and even just getting to know them feels like you've been let in on the best kept secret ever.

Someone wonderful and weird and silly and serious when they need to be. Someone smart and funny.  Someone sweet and caring and patient with those they feel deserve it. 

Someone that introduces you to so many new things. They make you feel alive and passion and communicate like you've never experienced before.

Someone that simultaneously makes you want to share them with the world because the world needs more people like them, and makes you selfishly afraid to.

Every day, I feel so lucky to know them and love them more than words could ever express.

4 Kudos


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Creation Harmony

Creation Harmony's profile picture

You are amazing and deserve all of the love and happiness. I am so happy to see you both happy.

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Slade Strife

Slade Strife's profile picture

I love you so so much. I am so lucky I get to have you in my life. You push and make me a better person and I honestly have no words...



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You are amazing and wonderful, I love you so much.

by Lauranie; ; Report