you need 2 skills: 1. knowledge on CSS and HTML, those pretty much alwasy come together 2. knowledge on how the site itself works (your preffered browser's development tools and site resources will help you with that)
Hey! Here is a video that might help you! :
Here is her profile:
And here are some copy and paste codes for your profile! :
If you need help with color codes for HTML editing here is a website:
Here is another helpful copy and paste HTML link!:
A website for cursors:
A website for graphics, layouts, and animated backgrounds:
Another website for graphics!:
A website for fonts!:
And here is a quick copy and paste code you can use in your HTML code, if you paste this inside the {curly brackets} when attempting to edit your profile pic, border, etc, it will give it a glow! But make sure to use the color coder linked above to find the numbers for your color!: box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 1px #INSERTCOLORCODE;
And of course, if you need any help on HTML coding just head right over to my page and comment a question, request for a copy and paste code, etc. Or, if you'd like I could just make you a custom design! I love to help!
Displaying 4 of 4 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Alveus Nosville
you need 2 skills:
1. knowledge on CSS and HTML, those pretty much alwasy come together
2. knowledge on how the site itself works (your preffered browser's development tools and site resources will help you with that)
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but looking at your profile you seem to've figured it out
by Alveus Nosville; ; Report
Hey! Here is a video that might help you! :
Here is her profile:
And here are some copy and paste codes for your profile! :
If you need help with color codes for HTML editing here is a website:
Here is another helpful copy and paste HTML link!:
A website for cursors:
A website for graphics, layouts, and animated backgrounds:
Another website for graphics!:
A website for fonts!:
And here is a quick copy and paste code you can use in your HTML code, if you paste this inside the {curly brackets} when attempting to edit your profile pic, border, etc, it will give it a glow! But make sure to use the color coder linked above to find the numbers for your color!: box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 1px #INSERTCOLORCODE;
And of course, if you need any help on HTML coding just head right over to my page and comment a question, request for a copy and paste code, etc. Or, if you'd like I could just make you a custom design! I love to help!
-Claude :D
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by leon!!!!!; ; Report
You are welcome!!
by seaweed; ; Report
yuri ⊂◉‿◉つ
There are plenty of resources available for learning to code your page. It's all in CSS / HTML.
You can find great tutorials at
W3Schoolsor you can find help on the forums here on spacehey.
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omg hust saw thus but ty
by leon!!!!!; ; Report
what type of stuff do you want on your page? if you don't know any css there's a lot of free templates and things out there
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by leon!!!!!; ; Report