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Three Radikal Rekerds #31: Luxurious Lovecraftian Lucidity

Ancient Plastix, Ancient Plastix
Genre: Ambient
Standout track: The Dream Within The Dream Within
I can't get enough of track three. It's one of those absolutely haunting, ghostly and grief-stricken pieces that seeps into the quiet times away from my computer and the distraction of other people. It's inside my bones now. Whereas a lot of melodic electronica records can so often be a little self-indulgent, by losing themselves in extended waves of coloured sound and distortion, everything on this album hits the nail on the head. It's baring it's soul to the listener at every moment. 

Zhothaqquahnyth, Hail Drugs
Genre: Noise/Industrial Metal/Doom Metal
Standout track: Ice Hag V
(WARNING: This is pretty loud stuff! Go in with some caution, like this was a HNW album ;p) Tagged as a "black synthesizer doom" project, and invoking a blasphemous fantasy world under the influence of outré batrachian deities, if you 're on the lookout for a memorable and bizarre noise-metal hybrid outfit, then look no further! Can't go wrong with a tape bearing the image of the underrated D&D monster called a Froghemoth on the cover... :3

Bastard County, Hellizona
Genre: Desert Rock/Stoner
Standout track: Grey Area
Bluesy red-eyed heavy outfit of a gentleman in my friends list named Brandon Wayne, that reminds this this old doom metal munchkin of bands like Goatsnake and Church of Misery. There is something oddly satisfying about this album's rather coherent pace, stony production and stoic sun-hammered bluntness. 

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