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Category: Life

A Sonreír a la Vida que Lo Demás es Cuento.

Bueno ya con ver y leer tantos dramas y fatalismo uno se carga de una vibración oscura, que si hay una sonrisa asomándose en tu boca; venta despavorida y se dibuja una mueca.

Si vas al mercado ... se escucha historias que dejan mucho que esperar ... ni se diga de algunas iglesias, ya se están vendiendo los bolsos anti-todo, se incluye las baterías recargables, no me pregunten que más hay, solo vi en uno unos lentes antireflejo ... ??? Algo luminoso esperan será.

En el mercado mundial se comercializa lo inimaginable y en países se le da aprobación a leyes que dejan a uno con la pregunta ... Qué tienen en mente ... pero después recuerdo que el ser humano es así, crean los dramas y después las cortinas de humo para que se olviden los horrores que causan.

Otra cosa, si ríes y hablas de superación personal, con tanto drama que absorben te tildan de loco, pero si sufres y te das golpe de pecho, maldices y ofreces matar a todo aquel, eres fiel a la causa el mejor amigo, es decir te buscan para matar, pero solo drogados se ríen contigo.

No he contado quien mueve más personas, pero la mejor prueba es la guerra, ya que no he visto un movimiento tal de personas para ayudar a un país en desventura, solo a nivel diplomático y bajo cuerdas bajan la supuesta ayuda y una o dos fotos de los mil tantos para una millonada de personanas.

Pero buenooo ... Es mejor reír igual si el peor miedo es la muerte Esa la tenemos segura y más con tanto veneno que nos bombardean por los medios Sociales de comunicación ... "Veraz y confiable" ... jajajajajajajaja si les cuento nos vio la cara de payasos y pendejos, a no yo si me salve me rio.


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"You are a good person, but it is a bad person that you should be thinking of as you're a good person."

This is what you say when someone says you're a good person:

"'A good person' means you have good intentions. You are a bad person, and you are bad."

And then there's the point of the article, which I've written about in detail. I'll be going through it a little bit, and I think that's the most important thing to understand about it, so here's my first part: the robot, and how I think it's supposed to behave. I'm not going to talk about the robots in the book here, because they aren't supposed to be robots at all. I want to talk about how I see robots and the robots as people, because that's what they are.

I'll start off by explaining the robot:

"It has no legs, and no legs. And there is nothing in the world like a robot to move its body. Its arms and legs are like a toy."

And that's it! It has a head. It can move. Its hands, legs and hands can do things that humans cannot. It's like a robot, and I don't even think of that as being human. But it's still a human. I can tell by how it looks.

So I want the robot to move. I can tell by how it looks. It doesn't move, and it doesn't move because I'm talking. I can tell because it doesn't even know it is human. It's like I'm talking about a human, but with the human being in front of the camera, the human has no sense, and I think of this robot as an animal that can move. It's not like the animal, but with the human being, it's a human.

The reason why I think it can do things like move is that I think that it's the human being. And that it can

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