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Category: Games

Christmas Playlist

It's right around the corner!
And so I reveal what I've been playing this Holiday season, and why maybe you should give them a try.

Stronghold HD - Castle building, Town Sim, RTS.

There is no cozier game for me, no game more synonymous with happiness and no other game that wishes me a merry christmas when I turn it on and my computer clock meets that date. I'm well aware that RTSs are a niche, but this game was made to be accessible to all ages, and that includes newcoming adults. You build towns, build defenses, harvest materials from your surroundings, build armies, and so on. The game's split up into missions, some with economic objectives, and some with military ones. You also have the option to design your own maps, or just free-mode castle and town building! And don't get me started on the charming voice-acting and the amazing music. I cannot recommend this game enough.

Team Fortress Classic - Team based online FPS.
A must play for me on this season. I remember it coming with my original WON copy of Half-Life, that ran on my old-old laptop, and I'd play it on the 24th, after all the dining was done, and I waited for midnight to open my gifts. Like the name would imply, it's a classic format, 2 teams, 2 bases, 9 classes, and all the mayhem those can cause with the variety of objectives. As someone deeply involved in the Half-Life and Goldsource community, I always look back on the gameplay and graphics of this release, since they feel super essential to a fan of either. It's also another game that knows you're playing on the holidays, and skins the grenades like christmas presents.

Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - Platform shooter, run and gun rabbit experience.
Yet another game from my youth (wonder if this a trend or something). This one is thankfully available now on GOG, but was hard to come across for a long time. Like the name implies, you play as a jackrabbit, either Jazz or Spazz, brothers, and platform and shoot your way through dozens of themed levels and episodes, with fun bosses at the end of every episode. It's a sound game, tight controls, good action, good music, and a fun attitude and atmosphere. If you're a fan of platformers, I'd say this is a must-have.

Lego Star Wars - Legos, lightsabers, and good understanding of what makes a good war in the stars.
This is yet another childhood favorite, with the added bonus of still being a frequent play to this very day. It's Star Wars, but told you in the form of Lego sets, animated and placed to neatly recreate the stories of the movies. It's super charming, and the was very clear care for the source material, and to make everything fun, while still kid friendly. Any of them are recommended, even the weird gameboy and DS ports, tho the original, Prequels only version will always have the top spot in my heart, while The Complete Saga is and will be the most feature complete, until The Skywalker Saga comes out!

Christmas Adventure: Candy Storm - Point and click puzzle game, so festive even grandma wants a spin.
Not a childhood classic. More-so a game I discovered while in college, that contributed to my using of Christmas as a coping mechanism for distress. Regardless, I wasn't kidding. this IS a mom/grandma/girlfriend game. What does that mean, dear view- reader? Well it means it requires no reflexes, just brain work and clicking you mouse where convenient. It's a great game if you look pretty visual, and as the name would imply, you'll fully immersed in the spirit of the season. Not a cliché story tho, which is why I like it, while still remaining in the spirit.

Honorable mentions: Delta Force Landwarrior, tactical FPS with funny enemy voices.
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage, janitorial simulator that punishes you for not paying attention.
Fallout 2, probably my favorite game ever, here now cause I play it at all seasons.

And that's all she wrote, dear reader.
What say you, have any favorite games for this seasons?
As always, let us know in the comment section below.
(no, i don't like philip defrance, that's just burned into my mind.)

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