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Category: Life

12/12/21 In The Event Of…

If I am living in something that resembles a crazy future movie, I want the closest narrative here. Things in a way have turns that at times. 

Between blogging on something that resembles my 16 year old self used to, and reality, this is capturing the story. As I mentioned last post, I have had this strong desire to try to follow up on something I once did in college. I kind of pressed the point on Saturday night. There totally is a moment that is made for Hollywood in it. 

It’s a cold early winter like night at Mesa Amphitheater, and I’m seeing Weezer. Normally not a band id pay to go see directly, but after Hella Mega Tour in the summer, o wanted to see them on their own. That became part of the story at the show.

Working a more/less dead end banking job the last two years, I had time to reflect. At the current place, I was able to get control on the radio. First, I attempted to get on KUPD, well, as expected Holmberg was talking about boobs and for the sake of the old people that come in, we changed it. I convinced them after I heard too many Taylor Swift songs on KEZ to flip over to AltAZ. This is a station I have ties to going back to its early days. (If I ever see my “I’m unironicallt listening yo Lorde posts,” I’ll share it. 

Long story short, I’m bored more often than I am not. This career path has fizzled in my eyes of what it used yo be. So I would comment on AltAZ’s afternoon host Mo’s posts on twitter. Basic comments lead to gif stories and such. I somehow built a rapport with her. Totally just fan listening, and comments. 

Here comes the TikTok moment. My vocal desires at work, and my past nostalgia for what I did came in to play. I made a little promo TikTok video for the show. It got a good bunch of likes, and views. I get a message from the station asking if they could share it, of course I said yes. Then the next line of, as a joke (probably) “you should come work with us.” 

Needless to say, I said if your hiring, I’d love to. It would be a dream job. I put the application in that night. 

Saturday rolls around, I wanted to say hi to Mo and chat about stupid Shit in the interim and see the concert. In the midst of the convo, she points out the promo manager. Mind you, I’m pretty fucked up, and double fisting two white claws. I walk up to him. And introduce myself… drunk as fuck… and trying to explain who I am, and why my resume sucks ass on there but I’m totally legit. To make this story not sound weird, Mo did put a good word in for me, so all was not lost there.

Went home after the concert and slept. 

So again, these grainy alcohol soaked memories are needed.. for future.  

0 Kudos


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