The following words were compiled by for the purpose of crafting a random story: obligation, aluminium, representative, development, variation, difficulty, scenario, celebration, favorable, inappropriate, interactive, contradiction, integrated, expectation, hypothesize, analysis, pedestrian, infrastructure, compensation, environment.
George and the Meletins
Random Story 1
George was a handsome young man, but a handsome young man with an obligation. The Gravimetrix Corporation's asteroid mining operation had depleted the solar system's supply of aluminium, and it was up to George to meet the ever-increasing demands of his customers. George called together his senior staff--many of whom well into their 230s and nearing retirement age--and he laid before them his new plan: to send a representative to the Meletis Nebula to negotiate a new mining agreement with the local Meletins.
Consulting the finest intergalactic lawyers in the Milky Way, George started development on the contract's first draft. With each meeting, said contract underwent a new variation, eventually being finalized as a proper proposal by George's best practices policy. However, when it came time to send the contract proposal to the Meletins, George had great difficulty in finding a suitable representative. Unabashed by this unpleasant scenario, George resolved to accomplish this mission himself.
So George set out on the long voyage to the Meletins, bringing along his favorite holotape, Interstellar Innovations: A Celebration of Modern Mining Methods, and eventually arrived at the border station Tau Seti Plaza in the Meletis Nebula. George was granted clearance to enter Meletin space by border station personnel and advised to travel along the Iota Windstream to take advantage of the current favorable solar winds.
As George approached the capital planet Meletis Prime, he felt a sudden onset of flatulence convulse within him, and he knew that any inappropriate odors during his meeting could jeopardize his company's future. Fortunately, due to an outbreak of pangolin epidemiac disease on the planet's surface, the Meletis government officials proposed that instead they utilize their newly developed interactive holographic conferencing system. Recognizing his desperate need for mining access, George avoided any contradiction to the Meletins' proposal.
The officials appeared to George in his freighter's conference room as a collection of shimmering blue silhouettes, and for a moment he wondered to himself how such a technology might be integrated with his own ship. The meeting between the two parties began and, despite its brevity, the results far exceeded George's expectation: the Meletins granted Gravimetrix Corporation exclusive rights to mine a particular region of Meletin space, the Omicron Asteroid Cloud, and so he enthusiastically thanked the government of Meletis Prime and traveled there immediately.
Along the way, however, George began to hypothesize what reason the Meletins might have had for being so generous. Whether it was out of kindness, out of necessity, or something else, once George arrived at the edge of the Cloud he no longer required an analysis of their motives--the Cloud was so heavily irradiated that even entering the cloud might prove fatal.
Never being one to accept a pedestrian fate, George plotted a course back to the solar system and immediately started planning how Gravimetrix Corporation could overcome this obstacle. With the right infrastructure and adequate safety mechanisms implemented, George was certain this would become the most lucrative mining operation known to mankind. Of course, the initial construction of their new mining headquarters would require enormous compensation, but George was confident that every credit would be worth it. The mining business had always been challenging, but that was fine with George--he was born for that environment.
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