Back At It Again.... Problematic as ever!

Back at blog posting AND prettying up my profile for the holidays. And so that brings me to today's issue. 

Friends, am I ever vexed! I'm so vexed in fact, I have no flowery speech left in which to describe just how vexed I am. Flummoxed even. So here's my issue. Custom cursors! I made a delightful little cursor, a festive holiday thing to show off my llama love. Luckily my creation process consisted of downloading an existing png file and using a service to convert it to a .cur file. 

I uploaded that file to a site, put the URL to the cursor in my code, and it doesn't work. But when I swap the code out for one of the other URLs I pulled from other people's source code, the damn cursor works. So I guess what is wrong with my URL? I'm going to take another run at it this afternoon sometime. Maybe I need a shorter URL. I should try a URL shortener maybe. 

Anyone have ideas out there? Apparently being a child of the technological age isn't as advantageous as I had hoped now that I am a fully-grown adult. I used to have the tenacity to solve these problems on my own, but these days, I don't know. Maybe I'll write a blog post about my conflicted feelings on that very sentiment later today.

Anyway, thanks for reading, friends! Leave a comment about your own thoughts if you want, even if you don't have any help on the cursor. I hope you all have a good week, spacehey! 

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Shanen's profile picture

Gald we could help! ^_^

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The Pyrrhic Llama

The Pyrrhic Llama's profile picture

Everyone, we did it! and by we, I mean you all! The custom cursor is working! It WAS the file size limitation. I didn't even realize that was a thing. Thanks for sticking with me during this rollercoaster of a journey!

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Shanen's profile picture

I think it's cause your image resolution exceeds the 128x128 limit most browsers have for cursors, 32x32 is the lowest.

I made a downscaled version, this should work:

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Nole's profile picture

Keep up the work my good friend,

We'll surely see this to the end,

Might I see the url?

This is my direct code in case it helps as well.

cursor: url(""),

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The Pyrrhic Llama

The Pyrrhic Llama's profile picture

I wish I could edit comments, because I don't like to delete comments and then post new ones. I feel it violates the historical record. Anyway, now to @Nole's point, the URL shows the actual cursor I want. But I still don't get the code to work? I'm renewed though, no longer downtrodden and beaten by an inanimate cursor object!

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The Pyrrhic Llama

The Pyrrhic Llama's profile picture

The saddest part of this is I'm actually giving this problem my all and I'm actually further away from a solution than when I began.
Go Pyrrhic Llama!!

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The Pyrrhic Llama

The Pyrrhic Llama's profile picture

I don't think I can tag people on here, can I? No, that was an internet 2.0 invention. Either way...

@Nole, thanks for that, I changed to a jpg now but still have the same xml error when I pull up the link?

@Shanen, ok I changed my bucket permissions to turn OFF block all public access. What now?!

I can't believe, seriously can't believe, how troublesome this is. I can do deceivingly complex math in my head, how is a cursor smarter than me?

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Shanen's profile picture

Hey, looking at the link, it's hosted on AWS, could you confirm if your bucket or the link provided is public?

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Nole's profile picture

Visiting your link shows an XML error,

using a .png or .jpg might result fairer.

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The Pyrrhic Llama

The Pyrrhic Llama's profile picture

Wow! It's An! I feel all sorts of pressure now lol.

I'm terrible with code despite my background. It's astonishing me lately, honestly.

Okay, so here's my code:

cursor: url(, auto;

If I swap that url out for a different one from someone's else's page (I used Tracy's link for testing), their cursor works. I've tried uploading the cursor to a few different sites, but mine is still not working.

I feel like it's something small, something dumb, but it's still beyond my grokking. That's the story of my life though.

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An's profile picture

Hey there! The length of the URL shouldn't be a problem... Could you maybe share your cutom Curser code so I can look into it and try to find the issue? Have a great day :D

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