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Another holiday season is at hand, and sometimes it might feel like it's all too much 😵. Here's 5 tricks to make your holidays the most stress-free ones yet ✨

🎁 1. switch it up! 

    if you're up to your neck in stress every end-of-year, try a change of pace! who said you HAD to do the same holiday every december? just go for one of the other equally great ones! bored of christmas? do kwanzaa! had enough of hanukah? festivus can be just as fun! your house, your rules! And if it just so happened to be that this new holiday doesn't involve receiving gifts, well that's just too bad for your loved ones!! Got'em!!

 🎁2. patience is a virtue

       think it's a good idea to decorate your home with ornaments and lights for the festivities, and to fill your holiday dining table with a generous selection of foods and drinks? think again! many food items will be offered at a discount when the holiday season is over! and the christmas decorations? why, they're often at least 50% off come january! your kids might not thank you, but your wallet will 👌

🎁  3. Giftees Delight

    Want to make sure your gifts feel thoughtful? Cover them with festive wrapping paper! this will make your giftee feel twice as special!  Buy wrapping paper in bulk, and skimp on the gift itself. Everybody will be so impressed by the wrappings, they won't even notice! Your gifts will also stand out next to other peoples plain unwrapped presents :)

4.🎁   The Heel Turn

from wikipedia: In professional wrestling, a heel (also known as a rudo in lucha libre) is a wrestler who portrays a villain or a "bad guy"[1] and acts as an antagonist[2][3][4] to the faces, who are the heroic protagonist or "good guy" characters. Not everything a heel wrestler does must be villainous: heels need only to be booed or jeered by the audience to be effective characters, although most truly successful heels embrace other aspects of their devious personalities, such as cheating to win or using foreign objects.

Sounds fun right? If you're not into spending a lot of time and money on other people, why not turn heel this year? Dress up as the grinch, and tell people to go suck an egg! Instead of gifts, give them the finger! A cheap way to make a holiday unforgettable!

🎁🎁 5.  Leave it to Santa

Have your children write a letter to Kris Kringle, and let him worry about the details! All you have to do is prepare the milk and cookies. This way you'll save time, money, and since time IS money, you'll also save money! Bless his beard!

The birthday of Christ is indeed one of the most daunting occasions of every year, but with the help of these tips you should be able to comfortably make it through the brutal gauntlet that is the season of giving! Good luck! 

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