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Category: Life

Virtual Diary Log 21

So my husband is found. Turns out he was at the trailer with his friend the whole time, completely okay. So I'm glad he's not in a ditch somewhere. He still isn't answering any of my phone calls. Luckily though, while trying to find him, I made a friend up there. a pen-pal if you will and she is currently on my team and is spying. She's at their house right now trying to see if my husband will be loyal to me or not. I also caught wind that he didn't say he had a wife. Well, from his friend he didn't say that I'm my husband's wife. He said I was his baby mama. And like, I'm okay with being called baby mama, but introduce me as your wife first. Anyways, so I'm a nervous wreck right now because everything in me wants to show up and I don't know, hit him or something. Like this is outrageous.  If someone wants to talk to you, they would make a fucking effort. Where's mine? 

Just got an update from my spy, she said he hasn't said a word yet...everything in me is saying that he is now talking to some girl on his phone. Why is someone else getting the attention that I deserve? I wish I could warn all women about my husband so I have some sort of way on knowing who he is talking to. Someone is more important than me and I don't like it.

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サニャ・カーツ's profile picture

idk if that's a great way of putting it

I'm not a relationship expert and have actually never once been in any sort of relationship or marriage in my life, but it seems to me like the problem here is not that you're not getting attention but rather that there's no transparency, it doesn't seem very responsible on his part if what you say is the full truth

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define transparency?

by AraBunny; ; Report

correct me if I'm wrong but he basically just went over to his friends trailer for an extended period of time without telling you about it, and didn't respond to any attempt to contact him asking him what's going on

again I haven't put much thought into these sorts of scenarios because I've never been in a relationship, but if I were in one and my s/o were to do that, it would basically just come off to me as a dishonest move and I don't think it would be acceptable

by サニャ・カーツ; ; Report

Fair, I can't disagree with your take on it. He was suppose to start our life there. But honestly the more I analyzed the situation the more it looked like this was his plan all along and its just unlucky of me to find out like this.

by AraBunny; ; Report