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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

my 1st blog xxx my first paranormal experience??

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my 1st blog.. my first paranormal experience!!

hey hotties, welcome 2 my first blog ever!! ive been on this on and off for like 4 months now & i realised i've never done a blog before, so 4 todays blog im going to do a storytime ab my (i think) 1st paranormal ever!

..it was a summer night at my grandmom's place ( i go there every summer). it was like 12-1am so every1 was asleep but me. as i was about to drift to sleep i heard something outside. it was a little girl's voice o_o remind u that everyone in the house was asleep and there werent any little girls living with us so it was v creepy! i dont clearly remember what she was saying as it was a long time ago, but i think she was looking 4 her dad or smth, asking repeatedly something like 'where r u dad?'.. at first i was trying to ignore it thinking my brain was just messing w me but it wouldnt stop. her voice was loud too, it felt like she was right outside the window which is weird bc when i tried to look thru the windows i couldnt see her anymore.. eventually i stopped hearing her voice so i went to sleep. the next day i asked if anyone heard anything last night and they were all like 'no wtf r u talking about??' which creeped me out even more!! before this incident i didnt rly believe in the paranormal but now idk what to think anymore..

and thats it!! ik this sounds v cliche and fake but trust me it actually happened o_o.. and before yall say anything, no i wasnt on drugs, i never heard any voices before and after that incident nor i am schizophrenic

so what actually happened?? was i just hallucinating or was it an actual ghost?? do yall believe in the paranormal and if yes do u have any paranormal stories?? does anyone have an explaination 4 this? pls lmk in the comments!
cya in my next blog! xoxo

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JakeLikezTacos's profile picture

jesus christ on a motorbike dude thats freaky!

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rai_Blogz08's profile picture

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Milla's profile picture

a story about perverted demons
there are lots of theorys around mirrors and one is thatif u stand naked in front of a mirror a demon will fall in love with you&your naked body. im starting tothink this is true because one time i got changed in front of a mirror and since then wvery time im in the bathroom, showering or getting changed in the bathroom, doors randomly open even tho there's no wind, things drop on the ground causing me to bend over (half naked) and i other things too

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Milla's profile picture

ive heard voices outside my house that sound nothing like my neighbours. ive also seen weird things

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jenah's profile picture

a while ago, I was writing to a loved one who passed and as I ended the little letter, a bag with laundry in it fell out of no where. it freaked me out so I looked up how to know there's a ghost. I took a picture with flash, and in the very first one there was an "orb" that flew right by my camera. it could have all been a coincidence but you can't be too sure. freaked me out a lot though lol

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TechBishop's profile picture

Very creepy story!

I think a lot of things we don't understand, but I can not say that I believe in ghosts. That goes without saying, I have a had experiences that have made me question things like ghosts, demons and UFOs.

For instance I recently was on a walk to and from the store. On the way back I saw what looked like a red flare shining in the evening sky. But instead of burning out or falling it continued to climb higher and higher in the air. Then it suddenly seemed to dart far away and disappeared. My thought then was that it was a drone, but then another of the same red glowing objects seemed to float slowly up into the sky. After a few mins it too flew out of sight.

Life is strange lol

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