War is never over
treaties may be signed
The memories of the battles
Are forever in our minds
The sounds of gunfire and bombs bursting men yelling in fear, agony, and pain
War is never over
So when you welcome heroes home
Remember in their minds they hold
Memories known to them alone
They're buddies being blown in half and bullets riddling through men
The smell of burning flesh and gunpowder
The site of the dead laid bare and naked in open fields and city streets to rot
War is never over
Memories replay back
Of their own eternal hell
War is never over
Young men fighting and dying
Young men suffering tremendous peril
War is never over
Those left home to wait know this
For many still are waiting
It was their farewell kiss
Some of us return alive and others in a pine box.
Some gave all and all gave some.
War is never over
Some still living in hell
Some still fighting
War Within
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