What is it that makes you tick?

I find that there is a plethora of things to learn through understanding the minds and the standpoints of other people. I personally love non-neurotypical people, particularly people on the spectrum. Who, despite their divergent minds, find ways to live and even succeed in the world. 

I myself have pretty strong ADHD, and I know that the way I think leads me to learn and to look at problems in ways others don't often see. I find my 

Are you neuro-atypical? If not, do you have family/friends who are that interest you? 
Do you see the way your/their mind works as a super-power, a disability or a mix? Why? 

Do you have any stories about the way you/they thought created an interesting situation or insight about something that was positive? 

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I love this! I also have been diagnosed with ADHD, bipolar depression, and severe anxiety it makes for quite the fun combo!! I used to have a hard time dealing with these labels, but as I've gotten older I have understood how they have shaped my personality and molded me into the pretty stellar human I have become. I find that neuro-atypical folks seem to be more honest than neurotypical people, this could be completed in my head, but from personal experience. I used to want to be "normal", but now I can't imagine being anyone other than myself! No one else can think the way I do, and that's pretty amazing!

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I totally agree! I would say that because Atypical people are different, they are more empathetic and compassionate to the diverse minds/perspectives of others!

by Mylow; ; Report