William Wisp's profile picture

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Category: Music

im gaming

Finally got ahold of a cassette player!! its relatively cheap and is by no means vintage, but it works just fine so far. im thinking of recording remixes and mixtapes for my family and friends. 

If theres any advice that experienced cassette collectors can give me, i'd love to hear it!! im just starting to get into this, so theres a lot more i want to learn about.

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Robot's profile picture

I'm not an expert. I'm just an experienced engineer. If I can do the same, then I'm pretty sure this would be an excellent idea, especially if you are a robot enthusiast. If I can't, I don't know. But it's not my fault. I've always wanted to build robots.

"I'm not an expert."

This is a very nice question, and a very useful one for the future, because it will help to answer the following questions about robots:

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