this is my first post on here ^^
somethings about me~
-i love witchcraft and practicing it
*currently i am reading about palmistry :p
-reading is my #1 hobby
* as i write this i am ready On Natural Selection by Charles Darwin
-i also write and draw
*sometimes i dabble in guitar and/or piano
-i like to run
*something about running just makes me feel good, and the post exercise feeling is the best
-i like to watch anime a lot! it's pretty much the only thing i watch
*fun fact~ my first anime was Dragon Ball Z 0_o
that is just a few things about me ><
gah! pro-tip; i'm not always this lively in the way i type/talk, i was just feeling a lot better than how i usually do today!!!
-if i ever post something that is down in the dumps, just know it's nothing serious!!
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Aiden >:3
that runners high is crazy as fuck!!!
always feels good after running!