Recently got caught smoking weed by my older brother (he is a total snitch), so naturally
my parents got all up in my face about it and wtv but I was high while they talked to me.
My parents are immigrants so naturally they think I am throwing my life away, but I'm not.
I have an immense amount of self control they don't know about. I've gotten myself of xans,
percs, exos, etc. weed isn't anything new. I mean shit I've taken acid by myself during new
years with fireworks and guns going off while listening to hard rock lol. They want me to go
to therpy for another traumatic experience I had in my childhood I won't go into detail about,
but I've already processed it and forgiven those people. Anyways I am hoping to go visit a
friend who recently moved 8 hours away so we can catch up and get fucked up for her
birthday. XD
Live Life for Yourself XOXO
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Aiden >:3
and on the topic of parents... i am prtty lucky 2 have more aware parents who after they caught me smoking didnt decide 2 completely shit on my life... not that they approved.. but it sounds like your parents come from a different generation and definitely have a fixed mindset. Might have 2 accept tht they will nevr understand your perspective. Unless u get them 2 smoke weed. Then they wuld probly be chill.
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Yeah, I have told them many times that I don't need them to agree with my choices but need them to respect them even if they believe it to be wrong. I am very much aware of my limits and I know they love me but they aren't helping. I was finally in a good headspace and tbh was my first time smoking in a while so when they automatically believed I was addicted or smoking every day that hurt me because they don't think I am strong enough to "quit" even though I've done worse. So now I am on a tolerance break till they get off my ass about therapy and just weed in general.
by Becky<3; ; Report
also on a tolerance break. but i agree. when somebody makes an assumption about you based off of narrow perspective its so frustrating. just feels like a false conviction. hate when that happens, especially with loved ones whose opinion matters to us
by Aiden >:3; ; Report
Yeah so big saad but just gotta keep the ball rolling if not it will just become a loop of second-guessing everything I do.
by Becky<3; ; Report
Aiden >:3
lol i was with it until u started talking abt xans n percss... tht shit will fck u up..... psychedelics n weed tho r not so bad ofc
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