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Category: Life

A simple question.

Is happiness found or created? Explain your answer.

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rai_Blogz08's profile picture

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BLKBUDDHA's profile picture

The more you search the further it will be, happiness peace, joy, we always try to chase not realizing its not something are obtain of gain its something you become, it comes when you realize that the more you fight to find it, its always been there with you.

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Luni's profile picture

Maybe you can find happiness in something you have no control of, but make happiness where you have control.

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Jannylili's profile picture

I think it's a combination. To be happy you need to find reasons why. Like "You have many friends.". But only finding those reasons doesn't make someone happy. With these reasons you need to create your own positive place in your mind to secure your happiness. ^^

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bhavya's profile picture

It's found within the people and the connections within the people you cherish the most .

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†Domini0n†'s profile picture

It's created in the things you find and found within the things you create.

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by Rob; ; Report


Wilson's profile picture

Both. You can, and always should try, to create your own happiness. However, often, when you create something that makes you happy, it can makes others happy too. For them, they have found happiness in the thing that you created.

If you find happiness in creating music, that is creating your own happiness. If that music then reaches a hundred people and makes them happy, they can also find happiness.

Its not easy to create your own happiness, I think far more people find happiness than create their own, so it's nothing to be ashamed about.

If you can ever create happiness for yourself and just one other person, then that's already a net positive.

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This is my favorite answer. Thank you! :)

by Rob; ; Report

O Alentejano

O Alentejano's profile picture

bit of both i guess
opportunity creates the robber, after all
you need good timing, or good spacing, to build up some happiness
then again, everyone draws their lines differently...

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by Rob; ; Report


Steve's profile picture

Created. You can be in the best situation in the world and still be unhappy. You have to choose it. Granted, there are circumstances that make is difficult to be happy, but ultimately how you feel inside is determined by you.

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I love this answer.

by Rob; ; Report

A guy who was in a Nazi concentration camp and survived wrote a whole book about it. He noticed the people who gave up and fell into depression soon got sick and died, and the ones who kept their heads up and refused usually did not. So he made up his mind that he wouldn't let the horrible circumstances get him down, and sure enough, he lived and walked away alive and well. I'm not sure, but I think its "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl. If that's not right I know I have it at home. Just have to find it.

by Steve; ; Report

That’s super interesting!

by Rob; ; Report

Jaylissa Anne

Jaylissa Anne's profile picture

LMAOOOO yall are happy?

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by Ratt; ; Report


Melissa's profile picture

Created. It's human emotion. Joy is found. :)

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oh dang! nice input :)

by Rob; ; Report

Kellie 🖤

Kellie 🖤's profile picture

Both. I can find happiness when simply opening my eyes to things, but other days it’s not to easy.

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I think you're onto something :)

by Rob; ; Report


Jojo's profile picture

It is definitely created because you control your thoughts and your thoughts control your reality. Even if you don't effectively create it yourself in one way or another because something is happening outside of your control you can still control how you react to it.

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really interesting answer! thanks for the reply :)

by Rob; ; Report

Indeed. Correct. I gave the longer answer below.

by DE Navarro; ; Report

DE Navarro

DE Navarro's profile picture

Not everyone will agree with this and that's fine, but here are some of my thoughts and observations after years of study and practice.

Happiness, by its nature, is really based on circumstances. One source described it as follows:

"Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of gladness, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. While happiness has many different definitions, it is often described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction. It is linked to positive experiences rather than negative."

Life itself is creative, what flows in all of us is a creative life force, vitality, that which animates us and makes us alive. That's why birth is called "pro-creative" because a new life is born, a new creative life force enters the universe.

From the time we are born, each of us, as a creative life-force, interacts with the circumstances around us (environment, culture, current events, situations of life, etc.) to create our lives. Hence, our lives become an aggregate of everything we have experienced and all the decisions and choices we have made (we are a product of both nature and nurture).

An incredible book on this topic, which is totally free and can be read within an hour, is As a Man Thinketh by James Allen. It's not a magic pill and it takes time for positivity to change the circumstances of one's life, so don't get the idea that it changes overnight. Some have called this "The Secret". Some have called it "The Law of Attraction". Some have called it "The Purpose Driven Life". Some have called it "The Law of Believing". And it is part of the idea or concept of "What goes around comes around" or "Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap" or "karma".

[Get the free book here:]

Whatever you call it, or whatever approach is taken to explain it, one thing is universally clear in multiple cultures, that our decisions and actions within our circumstances determines who and what we are and determines what the sum total of our aggregate experience in life is.

So with this in mind, I say that happiness is the result of an interaction between our circumstances and our decisions. We do create our own happiness, but we also are subject to circumstances outside our control that may not make us happy.

If we are generally a positive person and we do not let things get us down and we charge optimistically ahead looking for opportunity and keeping ourselves focused on ideals and goals, we will generate more happiness because that is what we will attract, but it doesn't mean that NOTHING bad will happen either. We may get in a car wreck and that certainly will not make us happy. But then our usual attitude of accepting negative circumstances and charging ahead optimistically will take over and minimize the damage and impact and we can move in the direction of success in spite of the wreck.

On the other hand, a person who is habitually a negative person and lets a ton of stuff in life bother them and they often retreat or are hesitant and indecisive about what to do, and they fester and worry all the time, they will generate more sadness and trouble in their lives because that is what they attract, but it doesn't mean nothing good will happen for them. However, they will certainly deal with more bad stuff happening because that is what they dwell on and fester in their hearts (heart of the mind, the innermost being).

So that's probably more than you bargained for, but as a life coach, poet-philosopher, minister, and author, I have studied and explored these things in a focused manner for over 40 years, written papers and articles about them, and read widely on them, so this kind of stuff is always on the tip of my tongue.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

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I didn't even read all this haha. soon

by Rob; ; Report

It's totally worth the read.

by DE Navarro; ; Report


R+C's profile picture

By creating an idea you find it.

Like that old song once said ..

“ Be happy, don’t worry ! “

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by Rob; ; Report

☾ JadeyxXxHavok ☽

☾ JadeyxXxHavok ☽'s profile picture

I think both. More so created, but also found. It's healthy to create your own happiness instead of relying on finding it, so creating it and taking what you find as you go is a good mix.

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Nice, thanks for the reply! :)

by Rob; ; Report

Bacon 🥓

Bacon 🥓's profile picture

I think you could say both, but in some ways...It's created ;)

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How so? :)

by Rob; ; Report

Well sometimes you find something that makes you happy, and then sometimes you find something and create it to be happy

by Bacon 🥓; ; Report