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Category: Writing and Poetry

Mail (writing piece)

cross-posted from ao3 - you can find my ao3 profile link on my profile, or use this link directly to the work

She looked around. Nothing. No one. Sitting on a mailbox in the middle of the sky was lonely. The clouds moved around her slowly. The sun’s radiant rays poured onto Earth, basking it in a heavenly glow. The ever-present quiet buzzing filled the air, but it wasn’t audible outside the atmosphere. She had received mail. She leaned down and opened the mailbox. There was a single letter that looked water damaged. 

Dear [...] ,

   I’m still waiting.



She fished around in the mailbox until she found her pencil, stack of papers, stamp sheet, and stack of envelopes. She picked up her pencil and wrote, 

Dear <3,

   I can’t come back. I’m sorry.



She put the paper in the envelope, put on a stamp, and wrote “from the sky mailbox” on the back. She put all her materials and the letter in the mailbox and closed it. She put up the carrier signal flag and hummed.

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