Men are Weird

so I work in a liquor store.

Men think they’re oh so funny.
I asked for birthdays, they come back with “what are you gonna send me for my birthday?”.
Or “old enough to be your daddy. “
Some try to tell me jokes.
Some just openly flirt.
When I reject them they get upset.
Or when I tell them I’m asexual and I’m not interested, they get upset.
My favorite of the drunks that we get in.
But seriously, why do men have to be so weird about rejection?

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Robot's profile picture

"What are your thoughts?



"I‪m a man, but‬




‫"I'm a man and my opinions are based on my body and my mind. I‭‭



I'm just an average person. I‫

"I don‪‭ think I'm‭'s average. I‬




I don‭'t think my opinions are as bad or as important as I think.

I don‬

"I‬ don't‹


I don't‹‹‹


I don't know. I think my thoughts are based on my body and my thoughts."

My opinions are based upon what my brain says, and how I feel.




I don‭




"I think my opinion‭"‹‭‭"‭"



My opinion‭"



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